Sunday, June 2, 2024

Cambridge Companion to Xenophon

I finished this comprehensive analysis of the writings of Xenophon, albeit by skimming the last several chapters.  As much as I appreciate these companion books, this one proved significantly longer than I really needed.

I feel a little uninspired with my reading right now, perhaps because I've focused too much on the ancient Greek world over the last several months.  Or possibly because I've spent most of the last year on the great wars of ancient Greece in particular (Herodotus and the Persian Wars, Thucydides/Xenophon and the Peloponnesian War).  War has never been a particularly enjoyable part of my historical study.

Perhaps I need a serious palate cleanse with some new books of completely different scope.  Or perhaps I need to muscle through Xenophon's Hellenica so I can move on to more interesting aspects of the Classical Greek world.

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