Wednesday, June 19, 2024

How to Create a Vegan World by Tobias Leenaert

I practical handbook, filled with evidence-based advice on how to convert more people to a vegan lifestyle for the benefit of animals worldwide.

Or perhaps I should say to a Vegan-ish lifestyle, as one of the book's most salient points is that persuading many people to reduce their use of animal products is vastly more productive than converting fewer people to pure veganism.

Leenaert cites the gluten-free movement as a case in point.  Although many people have to eliminate gluten from their diet for medical reasons, the movement didn't really take off until many more people decided to reduce their gluten consumption, even though not medically necessary.  Having many more people somewhat interested, persuaded more businesses to add gluten-free options, which created a compounding effect.

Similarly, the existence of more meat reducers (like myself) persuades more businesses to offer meatless varieties of products, while also making it more socially acceptable for friends and family to adopt similar habits.

This is just one example of the simple, although not necessarily intuitive, recommended in the book.

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