Saturday, June 1, 2024

Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs & Wear Cows by Melanie Joy, Ph.D

As I age and continue to think about my legacy, and how I want to spend my time and resources in my later years, I'm becoming much more of an animal advocate.  

Volunteering with our local SPCA has been a big and important step in this process.

My exploration of animal welfare takes me well beyond the lives of dogs, however.  Ultimately I'm searching for what I can I do to reduce animal suffering on the largest possible scale.

Hence this book, which details the greatest abomination in the history of mankind, our treatment of billions of factory-farmed animals.

I needed to learn the gory details, which this book spells out in sufficient detail.

Now, with that knowledge as background, I can continue down the path of helping to improve the welfare of animals on the greatest possible scale.

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