Monday, May 29, 2023

My Place at the Table by Alexander Lobrano

I almost walked away from this one after reading the first few chapters, which delved into the author's childhood in astonishing detail.

But I'm glad that I resumed it after putting the book aside for a couple of days, as I ripped through the rest of the book once it returned to the main topic: The author's love of food in Paris.

An American journalist, Lobrano took a position in Paris, a city he longed to call home, as a fashion writer.  The fact that he knew nothing of fashion didn't deter him from accepting the post.

Long story short, over the next several years he evolves into a highly successful journalist and editor in Paris, writing almost solely about his beloved French food and travel.  No small feat for un Americain.

Lobrano's love of French food further whet's my appetite for the exploration and discovery of great food and wine during our upcoming trip to France.

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