Friday, May 27, 2022

The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy

I believe I've written of this before, but one of my greatest learnings in recent years has been to take the act of selecting the books I choose to read much more seriously.  Book selection matters, immensely.

And related to that is the decision to read more companion books to the original authors.  These books take my understanding of the original material to a significantly deeper level.  I often enjoy reading the ancients themselves, but often it's hard to gain a complete understanding without support material from a modern authority.

Sometimes it's as simple as following a Cliff's Notes type of book.  But other times it involves a more scholarly approach, such as with this Cambridge Companion series.

I've already downloaded the Cambridge Companion to Greek Comedy, which I'm looking forward to reading just as soon as I finish the tragedies of Euripides which I recently began.

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