Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Crossroads of Civilisation - A History of Vienna - by Angus Robertson

This read officially kicks off my planning for our upcoming trip to Vienna, less than four months away.  I normally spend 1-2 years reading and studying for our trips, so now I've got to cram a lot of reading into a short period of time.

I've read quite a lot about Vienna, just not in a single volume dedicated to the subject.  This history took me through the entire scope, with refreshers on so many things: The Ottoman invasions, Mozart and his interactions with Emperor Joseph II and Salieri, the travels of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, and so many others.

The book helped me develop a reading list for the next few months, from the topics mentioned above plus Beethoven, Maria Theresa, Eugene of Savoy and others.

I'm so looking forward to this trip...

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