Sunday, July 10, 2022

The Stoic Challenge by William B. Irvine

I found the first book that I read by Irvine so invaluable that it's not surprising that this one was a bit of a letdown.  It couldn't have lived up to my expectation.

Unfortunately this book seemed to largely re-hash many of the same points.

I did make a new note or two, notably the idea of thinking of new disturbances as a test, opportunities to hone my ability to remain tranquil.  Muscles only grow through regular exercise, and the same is true of Stoic skills.

I was also intrigued by the idea of reminding yourself that everything you do, you might be doing for the last time.  So don't take it for granted.  Then again, that seems strikingly similar to negative visualization.

Anyhow, it was a good refresher course on the benefits of Stoic thought and it's ability to remain tranquil.

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